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Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation) (English Edition) - de I. S. Duff (Author)

Details Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation) (English Edition)

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Le Titre Du FichierDirect Methods for Sparse Matrices (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation) (English Edition)
Date de Lancement
TraducteurXavia Kumayl
Quantité de Pages713 Pages
Taille du fichier41.00 MB
Langue du LivreFrançais & Anglais
ÉditeurCanongate Books
Type de e-BookPDF AMZ ePub EGT SDW
ÉcrivainI. S. Duff
Digital ISBN340-2299347967-QZF
Nom de FichierDirect-Methods-for-Sparse-Matrices-(Numerical-Mathematics-and-Scientific-Computation)-(English-Edition).pdf

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We investigate the use of lowrank approximations to reduce the cost of sparse direct multifrontal solvers Among the different matrix representations that have been proposed to exploit the lowrank property within multifrontal solvers we focus on the Block LowRank BLR format whose simplicity and flexibility make it easy to use in a

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The subject of sparse matrices has its root in such diverse fields as management science power systems analysis surveying circuit theory and structural analysis

Matrices creuses m ethodes multifrontales syst emes lin eaires solveurs directs ordonnancement Abstract Direct methods for the solution of sparse systems of linear equations are used in a wide range of nu